Make Homemade Herbal Soap: Common Plantain Soap Recipe

By Sandy Maine
Published on April 14, 2011
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Homemade herbals soaps are easy to craft and can help improve skin health.

Antiseptic Herbal Soaps

Useful for keeping hands bacteria-free and for washing wounds, antiseptic soaps reduce the chance for illness to spread and for wounds to become infected.

Common Plantain Soap

Broadleaf plantain (Plantago major) is a familiar and prolific weed. You have probably pulled it from your yard or garden, for it has become naturalized throughout the world. When freshly gathered and mashed, it offers a juice that is second to none as a wound-healer; it helps stanch blood flow and fights bacteria and inflammation.

• A handful of fresh plantain leaves
    (Substitute 2 tablespoons plantain oil–available in natural food stores–for the above mixture if fresh leaves are unavailable.)
• 1/4 cup liquid glycerin (available in pharmacies)
• 1/8 cup water
• 2 cups glycerin soap base

Blend the leaves with the liquid glycerin and water. Strain through a cheesecloth. Combine the mixture or the plantain oil with the soap base. Stir until blended, pour into molds, and cool.

For cuts: After washing a wound with Common Plantain Soap, prepare a poultice to apply to the wound. Take fresh, mashed plantain leaves and warm them by adding enough boiling water to make a paste. Apply the poultice and hold it in place with a bandage. You’ll be pleased with how quickly your wound heals!

Read the original article: How to Make Homemade Herbal Soaps.

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